About me…fun fact style

(Some are genuinely more fun than others)


  • I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Howdy, y’all!

  • My real first name is “Aryeh,” which is Hebrew for “lion.” Kinda sick, right?

  • I’m only 26 years old, and I’ve already had procedures to address the following: a severed jaw palate, a broken and dislocated radius/ulna, a small pebble lodged behind my eyeball, overgrown wisdom teeth and a deviated septum (twice). You may now marvel at my resilience. Or my misfortune. Or both.

  • I have an unhealthy love for outrageously spicy things. I mean, I don’t even consider a salsa or hot sauce to be truly “hot” unless it forces me to extinguish imaginary flames in front of my face with my rapid exhaling.

  • I also make a MEAN apple crisp. Is this alone reason to hire me? Perhaps. All I know is you’ll want me around during the holidays.

  • In 2019, I flew home in the middle of final exam prep to watch Dirk Nowitzki’s final home game with the Dallas Mavericks. No regrets.

  • Speaking of basketball, I’m a 2x rec league basketball champ with a nasty midrange jumper. You catch that, future employers? You’re bringing in a winner.

  • I love to hike! On my most recent hiking trip, I traversed the daunting Knife’s Edge Trail and scaled Mt. Katahdin, the highest peak in Maine.

  • What’s one of my favorite pieces of internet memedom? Great question. If you ask Rick Astley for his copy of Pixar’s Up, he can’t give it to you, as he’ll never give you up. However, in withholding the film from you, he’s also letting you down, thus creating the Astley Paradox.